Straw Hat Stiffener Set


The Paul Lashton premium straw stiffening solution is specifically designed for organic fibers and helps to retain your Panama hat's shape. Simply spray areas of the product you desire to be stiffened and allow to dry.

Also included is the Paul Lashton cleaning brush that is made of genuine horse-hair to provide effective cleaning of dirt and grime as well as overall longevity of the brush. The bristles are 100% mane hair (instead of tail blends), which has minimal shedding and is soft enough to use on delicate straws. Works great with felt and wool hats as well.

Premium Straw Stiffener (2 oz.) Designed for organic fibers to help retain your Panama hat's shape.
Horsehair Cleaning Brush Made using only hair from the mane which is softer and less abrasive.

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